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Velký flám
celý film online

  • Komedie, Válečný
  • 1966
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Plakát Velký flám

Velký flám

📅 Rok natočení: 1966
🌎 Země původu: Francie
🎭 Žánr: Komedie, Válečný
🎬 Délka: 132 minut
⭐ Hodnocení: 79% (1 361 hodnocení)

Letadlo plné britských letců se omylem dostane až nad okupovanou Paříž a je sestřeleno. Každý z nich pak požádá o pomoc jednoho civilistu. Malíř pokojů, dirigent opery, krásná blondýnka a odvážná jeptiška se tak setkávají na cestě napříč sladkou Francií, když prchají před německými vojáky. Autem, letadlem, vlakem, pařížskými kanály, dokonce i v sudu. Tohle bude VELKÝ FLÁM!

Obsazení filmu nebo pořadu Velký flám - Herci a tvůrci



Augustin Bouvet, house painter
Louis de Funès

Louis de Funès

Stanislas Lefort, conductor at the Paris Opera


Squadron Leader Sir Reginald Brook, Royal Air Force
Claudio Brook

Claudio Brook

Peter Cunningham
Mike Marshall

Mike Marshall

Aircraftman Alan MacIntosh, Royal Air Force
Marie Dubois

Marie Dubois


Časté dotazy a zajímavosti

Ve kterém roce byl film Velký flám natočen?

Film Velký flám byl natočený v roce 1966.

Jaká je délka filmu Velký flám?

Film Velký flám trvá 132 minut.

Kdo hraje ve filmu Velký flám?

Ve filmu Velký flám hrají Bourvil (Augustin Bouvet, house painter), Louis de Funès (Stanislas Lefort, conductor at the Paris Opera), Terry-Thomas (Squadron Leader Sir Reginald Brook, Royal Air Force), Claudio Brook (Peter Cunningham), Mike Marshall (Aircraftman Alan MacIntosh, Royal Air Force), Marie Dubois (Juliette), Pierre Bertin (Juliette's grandfather, owner of the Guignol theater), Andréa Parisy (Sister Marie-Odile), Mary Marquet (Mother Superior of the Hospices de Beaune), Colette Brosset (Madame Germaine), Benno Sterzenbach (Major Achbach), Henri Génès (Keeper of the Vincennes zoo with the Occitan accent), Paul Préboist (Fisherman in the boat), Sieghardt Rupp (Lieutenant Sturmer), Guy Grosso (The talkative bassoonist of the Paris Opera orchestra), Michel Modo (Cross-eyed German machine gunner), Rudy Lenoir (German soldier on patrol), Jacques Bodoin (Méphistophélès from Faust at the Paris Opera), Reinhard Kolldehoff (German corporal), Helmuth Schneider (German officer of the dining car), Hans Meyer (Otto Weber, elegant SS gruppenführer), Mag-Avril (Old lady in Juliette's building), Gabriel Gobin (Resistance fighter, stagehand at the Paris Opera), Paul Mercey (Mustachioed man at the Turkish Baths), Pierre Roussel (Peter's table neighbor in the dining car), Pierre Bastien (Plombin), Peter Jacob (German general celebrating his birthday at “L’Hôtel du Globe”), Noël Darzal (Lucien), Jacques Sablon (Bébert), Jean Droze (Talkative bassoonist of the Paris Opera orchestra (uncredited)), Catherine Marshall (Nun at the Hospices de Beaune (uncredited)), Jean-Pierre Posier (Patrick, mechanic (uncredited)), Alice Field (Parisian prostitute (uncredited)), Georges Atlas (Gestapo policeman at Augustin's house (uncredited)), Rémy Julienne (German biker receiving a pumpkin (uncredited)), Anne Berger (Marguerite from Faust at the Paris Opera (uncredited)), Guy Bonnafoux (Turkish bths employee / German officer (uncredited)), Clément Michu (Railway postal worker at the station (uncredited)), Konrad von Bork (German Colonel (uncredited)), Jerry Brouer (German soldier (uncredited)), Percival Russel (German sentry knocked out (uncredited)), George Birt (Harry, gunner, Royal Air Force (uncredited)), Nicolas Bang (John, bomber, Royal Air Force (unaccredited)), Raymond Pierson (German soldier (uncredited)), Christian Brocard (Station employee (uncredited)), Sacha Tarride (The first boy (unaccredited)), Lionel Vitrant (Barbot (uncredited)), Anthony Stuart (Dick (uncredited)), Claude Salez (German officer (uncredited)), Fred Fischer (German colonel (uncredited)), Édouard Pignon (Extra at the Paris Opera (uncredited)), Jean Minisini (German soldier (uncredited)), Joachim Westhoff (Actor from Faust at the Paris Opera (uncredited)), Tony Rödel (German non-commissioned officer (uncredited)), Georges-Fréderic Dehlen (German colonel (uncredited)), Guy Fox (The fat guy (uncredited)), Jean Landret (Guide in Chaillot (deleted scene) (uncredited)), Charly Constant (Ludwig (uncredited)), Rolph Spath (German aide-de-camp (uncredited)), Gérard Martin (Harpist of the Paris Opera orchestra (uncredited)), Danièle Thompson (Extra (uncredited)), Georges Dehneli (German Commander (uncredited)), Raoul Gola (Pianist (uncredited)), Horst Miessner (First German in the hammam (uncredited)), Jean-François Masson (Second German in the hammam (uncredited)), Bernard Mermod (Non-commissioned officer, clerk at the Kommandantur (uncredited)), Gary Ramm (ilot of the German observation plane that follows the gliders (uncredited)), Claude Rouillard (Second fisherman in the boat (uncredited)), Georges Ruseckis (SS chief in Paris (uncredited)), Joachim Weshoff (Faust at the Paris Opera (uncredited)).

Jak sledovat Velký flám online?

Film Velký flám můžete sledovat online přes několik streamovacích platform, jako je . Prosím, ověřte si dostupnost pořadu Velký flám v rámci vašeho předplatného na konkrétní platformě.

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