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On the Town
celý film online

  • Komedie, Romantické, Hudební
  • 1949
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On the Town

📅 Rok natočení: 1949
🌎 Země původu: Spojené státy americké
🎭 Žánr: Komedie, Romantické, Hudební
🎬 Délka: 98 minut
⭐ Hodnocení: 70% (252 hodnocení)

Obsazení filmu nebo pořadu On the Town - Herci a tvůrci

Gene Kelly

Gene Kelly

Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra

Betty Garrett

Betty Garrett

Brunhilde Esterhazy
Ann Miller

Ann Miller

Claire Huddesen
Jules Munshin

Jules Munshin



Ivy Smith

Časté dotazy a zajímavosti

Ve kterém roce byl film On the Town natočen?

Film On the Town byl natočený v roce 1949.

Jaká je délka filmu On the Town?

Film On the Town trvá 98 minut.

Kdo hraje ve filmu On the Town?

Ve filmu On the Town hrají Gene Kelly (Gabey), Frank Sinatra (Chip), Betty Garrett (Brunhilde Esterhazy), Ann Miller (Claire Huddesen), Jules Munshin (Ozzie), Vera-Ellen (Ivy Smith), Florence Bates (Madame Dilyovska), Alice Pearce (Lucy Schmeeler), George Meader (Professor), Murray Alper (Cab Company Owner (uncredited)), Bette Arlen ("Day in New York" Ballet Dancer (uncredited)), Anne Beck (Nightclub Patron (uncredited)), Bea Benaderet (Brooklyn Girl on Subway (uncredited)), Gladys Blake (Brooklyn Girl on Subway (uncredited)), Eugene Borden (Waiter (uncredited)), Leonard Bremen (Spectator (uncredited)), Don Brodie (Photo Layout Man (uncredited)), Ralph Brooks (Nightclub Patron (uncredited)), Claire Carleton (Nightclub Patron (uncredited)), Peter Chong (Bartender (uncredited)), Dorinda Clifton ("Day in New York" Ballet Dancer (uncredited)), Hans Conried (Francois (uncredited)), Jeanne Coyne ("Day in New York" Ballet Dancer (uncredited)), Lester Dorr (Subway Passenger (uncredited)), Tom Dugan (Officer Tracy (uncredited)), Helen Eby-Rock (Little Girl's Mother (uncredited)), Luigi Faccuito ("Day in New York" Ballet Dancer (uncredited)), Clair Freeman (Dancer (uncredited)), Alex Goudovitch (Miss Turnstiles Dancer (uncredited)), Frank Hagney (Policeman (uncredited)), Robert Haines (Nightclub Patron (uncredited)), Carol Haney ("Day in New York" Ballet Dancer (uncredited)), Timmy Hawkins (Boy in Subway (uncredited)), Bern Hoffman (Shipyard Singer (uncredited)), Judy Holliday (Daisy (voice) (uncredited)), Curtis Loys Jackson Jr. (Boy in Subway (uncredited)), Richard Kean (Poet Type (uncredited)), Milton Kibbee (Sign Poster (uncredited)), Jack G. Lee (Speed Cop (uncredited)), Hank Mann (Max the Photographer (uncredited)), Gloria Marlen ("Day in New York" Ballet Dancer (uncredited)), John Marlin (Waiter (uncredited)), Bert May (Miss Turnstiles Dancer (uncredited)), Helen McAllister (Kooch Girl (uncredited)), Sid Melton (Spud (uncredited)), Diane Nance (Little Girl (uncredited)), Kerry O'Day (Nightclub Patron (uncredited)), Norman Ollestad (Boy in Subway (uncredited)), William Phillips (Sailor Simkins (uncredited)), Paul Power (Nightclub Patron (uncredited)), Edwin Rochelle (Waiter (uncredited)), Alex Romero ("Day in New York" Ballet Dancer (uncredited)), Reiko Sato (Dancer (uncredited)), Frank J. Scannell (Officer Mulrooney (uncredited)), Lee Scott ("Day in New York" Ballet Dancer (uncredited)), Jack Shea (Tough Marine in Subway (uncredited)), Robert Smith (Spectator (uncredited)), Robert R. Stephenson (Man in Subway Station (uncredited)), Dorothy Tuttle (Dancer (uncredited)), Tyra Vaughn ("Day in New York" Ballet Dancer (uncredited)), Dick Wessel (Sailor Kovarsky (uncredited)), Robert B. Williams (Police Sergeant (Car 44) (uncredited)), Bud Wolfe (Speed Cop (uncredited)).

Jak sledovat On the Town online?

Film On the Town můžete sledovat online přes několik streamovacích platform, jako je Apple TV a Google Play Movies. Prosím, ověřte si dostupnost pořadu On the Town v rámci vašeho předplatného na konkrétní platformě.

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