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Anchors Aweigh
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  • Komedie, Romantické, Hudební
  • 1945
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Anchors Aweigh

📅 Rok natočení: 1945
🌎 Země původu: Spojené státy americké
🎭 Žánr: Komedie, Romantické, Hudební
🎬 Délka: 143 minut
⭐ Hodnocení: 68% (158 hodnocení)

Obsazení filmu nebo pořadu Anchors Aweigh - Herci a tvůrci

Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra

Clarence Doolittle
Kathryn Grayson

Kathryn Grayson

Susan Abbott
Gene Kelly

Gene Kelly

Joseph Brady
José Iturbi

José Iturbi

Dean Stockwell

Dean Stockwell

Donald Martin
Pamela Britton

Pamela Britton

Girl from Brooklyn

Časté dotazy a zajímavosti

Ve kterém roce byl film Anchors Aweigh natočen?

Film Anchors Aweigh byl natočený v roce 1945.

Jaká je délka filmu Anchors Aweigh?

Film Anchors Aweigh trvá 143 minut.

Kdo hraje ve filmu Anchors Aweigh?

Ve filmu Anchors Aweigh hrají Frank Sinatra (Clarence Doolittle), Kathryn Grayson (Susan Abbott), Gene Kelly (Joseph Brady), José Iturbi (Himself), Dean Stockwell (Donald Martin), Pamela Britton (Girl from Brooklyn), Rags Ragland (Police Sergeant), Billy Gilbert (Cafe Manager), Henry O'Neill (Admiral Hammond), Carlos Ramírez (Carlos), Edgar Kennedy (Police Captain), Grady Sutton (Bertram Kraler), Leon Ames (Admiral's Aide), Sharon McManus (Little Girl Beggar), James Flavin (Radio Cop), James Burke (Studio Cop), Henry Armetta (Hamburger Man), Chester Clute (Iturbi's Assistant), Mimi Aguglia (Old Lady (uncredited)), Bobby Barber (Salad Cook on Olvera Street (uncredited)), Douglas Cowan (Sailor (uncredited)), Eddie Hall (Sailor Discussing Lola (uncredited)), Milton Kibbee (Bartender Serving Double Scotch (uncredited)), Gloria Marlen (Woman (uncredited)), Robert Emmett O'Connor (Cop (uncredited)), Garry Owen (2nd Soldier at USO (uncredited)), Ray Teal (Assistant Movie Director (uncredited)), Paulita Arvizu (Cashier in Café (uncredited)), Harry Barris (Sailor Asking Joe to Get Autographs (uncredited)), Joseph E. Bernard (Old Doorman (uncredited)), Sara Berner (Jerry Mouse (voice) (uncredited)), Steve Brodie (Soldier (uncredited)), Alex Callam (Commander (uncredited)), James Carlisle (Test Director (uncredited)), Wally Cassell (Sailor (uncredited)), Charles Coleman (Iturbi's Butler (uncredited)), Henry H. Daniels Jr. (Sailor (uncredited)), Frank Darien (Hollywood Bowl Janitor (uncredited)), Romere Darling (Waitress (uncredited)), Joe Dominguez (Man in Caé (uncredited)), Lester Dorr (Assistant Director (uncredited)), Ralph Dunn (Hollywood Bowl Cop (uncredited)), Virginia Engels (Woman with Cop (uncredited)), Sam Finn (Sailor (uncredited)), William Forrest (Movie Director (uncredited)), Don Garner (Soldier (uncredited)), Jane Green (USO Mother (uncredited)), Phil Hanna (Sailor (uncredited)), Lottie Harrison (Phone Operator (uncredited)), Jack Harvey (Admiral (uncredited)), Joe Haworth (Marine (uncredited)), Ben Heideman (Mexican Cook (uncredited)), Robert Homans (Old Cop (uncredited)), John James (Sailor (uncredited)), Nolan Leary (Milkman (uncredited)), Ruth Lee (Kindergarten Teacher (uncredited)), Orley Lindgren (Boy (uncredited)), Jack Luden (Assistant Director (uncredited)), Peggy Maley (Lana Turner Impersonator (uncredited)), Frank Marlowe (Shore Patrol Officer (uncredited)), Lock Martin (Giant (uncredited)), Esther Michelson (Hamburger Woman (uncredited)), Frank Mitchell (Sailor (uncredited)), Connie Montoya (Waitress (uncredited)), Forbes Murray (Passerby (uncredited)), Billy Nelson (Sailor (uncredited)), Bea Nigro ((uncredited)), Netta Packer (USO Mother (uncredited)), Milton Parsons (Man with Beard (uncredited)), Lee Phelps (Cop (uncredited)), Tom Quinn ((uncredited)), Allen Ray (Sailor (uncredited)), Paul Regan (Marine (uncredited)), Renie Riano (Studio Waitress (uncredited)), Sondra Rodgers (Jean (uncredited)), Naomi Scher (Waitress (uncredited)), Jerry Shane (Sailor (uncredited)), Connie Starr (Waitress (uncredited)), Tom Trout (Sailor (uncredited)), Elinor Troy (Tall Woman (uncredited)), Arthur Walsh (Sailor (uncredited)), Jerry Warren ((uncredited)), Claire Whitney (USO Mother (uncredited)), Florence Wix (Ride-Sharing Actress (uncredited)), Marjorie Wood (USO Mother (uncredited)), William Phillips (1st Sailor on Pay Phone (uncredited)), John Cannon (Sailor (uncredited)), Gloria Hope (Receptionist (uncredited)).

Jak sledovat Anchors Aweigh online?

Film Anchors Aweigh můžete sledovat online přes několik streamovacích platform, jako je Apple TV a Google Play Movies. Prosím, ověřte si dostupnost pořadu Anchors Aweigh v rámci vašeho předplatného na konkrétní platformě.

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